In 1984, Brian De Palma terrified audiences with his stylish thriller, Body Double, a story that borrows heavily from Hitchcock’s Rear Window and yet manages to feel modern…
Professione Reporter
Jack Nicholson, a successful reporter bored by life itself, assumes the identity of dead man after finding his corpse. Nicholson once told the Corriere that…
“Conceived as a preview to the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts of 1925, this silent film centers around the femme fatale Claire…
The Architect (2016)
RENT OR BUY Context of The Architect (2012) Jonathan Parker’s The Architect is a satirical comedy-drama that explores the intersections of art, ambition, and personal…
The Architect (2006)
BUY OR RENT | WATCH FOR FREE ON TUBI Context of The Architect (2006) Directed by Matt Tauber and based on a play by David Greig,…
The architect (2012)
Based on the information provided, The Architect is an independent film produced by Raptor Press, with a trailer available on YouTube. The film appears to…
The Belly of an Architect (1987)
BUY OR RENT | WATCH FOR FREE ON TUBI Context of The Belly of an Architect Peter Greenaway’s The Belly of an Architect (1987) is…
The Leopard (1963)
RENT OR BUY Context of The Leopard Luchino Visconti’s The Leopard (Il Gattopardo, 1963) is a masterpiece of Italian cinema, adapted from Giuseppe Tomasi di…